News to Know: Joplin C and Wall Shooting, Kansas Self Defense Ruling, and Black History Mural


Joplin, MO. — Joplin police are investigating a shots fired call that occurred late Thursday night. at 11:23 PM Thursday night — JPD received a report of gunshots in the area of C Street and North Wall Avenue. When officers arrived they found spent shell casings near an alley — and the victim — who was not injured. The victim says he was on a bike being followed by a car — when the car bumped into him and knocked him off before shooting him. No arrests have been made at this time. You can find more about this story on our website.

Topeka, KS. — The Kansas Supreme Court on Friday ruled that self-defense protections don’t apply if a bystander is injured during the incident. The court ruled in the case of a Wichita police officer whose shots at a charging dog wounded a nine-year-old girl. The officer argued he acted in self dense. But the Supreme Court just Dan Biles said Kansas law grants immunity from prosecution for force used specifically against an attacker — and doesn’t mention bystanders.

Missouri — One day before the Missouri primary election — we’re getting a picture of where voters might stand. KOAM is partnering with other TV stations in Missouri that are owned by Gray Television for a series of polls on a variety of races and topics. The online survey of 2400 Missouri adults was conducted by Survey USA. We look at a number of issues…Including recreational marijuana and law enforcement funding. Should the use of marijuana for recreational use remain against the law in Missouri was the question asked and 62% are in favor of legalization and 26% are against it. And for the question: “does law enforcement need more funding than it receives?” 52% of people said yes, 22% said the same amount, and 11% believe law enforcement needs less funding. You can find more from this poll — on our website.

Joplin, MO. — The black history and performing arts mural on first and main in downtown Joplin is finished! It depicts individuals who played, performed, and visited Joplin. Langston Hughes and Charles McPherson who are in the mural were born in Joplin. Other notable individuals in the mural include Scott Joplin, Duke Ellington, Marian Anderson, Ella Fitzgerald, and so many more. You can see more on this story on our website.