New Apple iOS update bolsters user privacy

JOPLIN, Mo. — If you don’t like the idea of tech companies tracking where you go and what you do online, a new Apple update is for you.

John Motazedi, SNC Squared, said, “A lot of vendors out there are making substantial amounts of profit from being able to track the users.”

If they know where you’ve been online, it could make it easier to market products for future purchase.

“Apple has made a decision that, that is probably not good for the benefit of the general consumer. So with the newest version of their iOS app 14.5 They’ve now put options to disable and give more access to the end user to stop tracking and allowing tracking apps to track the individual users locations, and their habits”

Experts say many users underestimated how much of their personal information is being gathered.

“So they’re tracking where you’re going and tracking what you’re seeing, they might be tracking other information out of other apps.”

So The iOS 14.5 update gives users far more control than they’ve had in the past.

“There was always an option to allow application access but this makes it more detailed, more ingrained to actually go in on a per app basis, and literally turn on or off what you expect to see.”

Shortage of microchips causing delivery delays for many products

JOPLIN, Mo. — If you want to buy a car, microwave, refrigerator, or anything else that contains a particular type of electronic component, don’t be surprised if you have to wait a while before it gets delivered.

Because of their diminutive dimensions, it’s not hard to figure out why they’re called microchips, and they’re found in thousands of products like computer towers, microwaves, washing machines, refrigerators as well as cars.

And they’re in very short supply thanks to the global pandemic. John Motazedi, CEO of SNC Squared, says it started with the initial shutdown of microchip manufacturing facilities around the world from the first wave of covid-19 last year. Then he says the demand for them jumped.

John Motazedi, CEO, SNC Squared, said, “Everybody started working from home, so now everybody needed computers because they typically didn’t have computers that were adequate at home, and even phones, you know cell solutions etc. to work from home.”

Then, he says something unexpected happened, the sale of new cars jumped, creating an even greater demand.

“Along with that the release of new 5G technology, so high speed chips, high speed technology, high speed transmission, so manufacturers of those chips said well, why don’t we get into the high revenue market and actually start generating high revenue chips as opposed to the basic stuff we were regularly doing.”

As a result, depending upon where you by appliances, you may have to wait months for them to get delivered. But that’s not the case at one retailer in the area. Greg Freeman happened to buy many appliances before the microchip shortage started.

Greg Freeman, Freeman Liquidators, said, “Our inventory and the way that we buy is about the opportunity to buy from a loss by an insurance company, so that we, when we buy, we have the product here you come in, you shop, you see it, you buy it, you go home with it.”