"Imagine Pittsburg" website launched to attract new residents and businesses

PITTSBURG, Kans. — An area community is taking to the internet and social media to attract new business, residents and encourage former residents to come back home.

Imagine Pittsburg has launched a new website designed to promote the city. The website is dedicated to sharing positive stories about the people who made the community what it is today.

Joe Dellasega is on the Imagine Pittsburg committee and says the goal is to create a consistent narrative about the positive things happening in the town.

“We needed to be thinking about our story and what our story was, one of the things we said was we can really get better about telling our story, and one of the things is just helping our own citizens learning how to tell the stories, so that was when we started thinking about how do we do that, that’s when we conceived this a new uh this idea of a website that would just help focus on telling our story,” said Joe Dellasega, Imagine Pittsburg Committee.

If you’d like to see the website yourself, click here.

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