Crowder College kicks off their "Wellness Week" to help improve students' lives

PITTSBURG, Kans. — One four state college is spending the week helping its students, faculty and staff better themselves.

This week is “Wellness Week” on campus.

Between classes, individuals can do a variety of things to learn more about personal wellness.

Crowder College is offering an opportunity for people to stop by in the college’s courtyard and learn more about the seven dimensions of wellness.

Those dimensions include spiritual, social, physical, occupational, emotional, environmental and mental and intellectual.

“We try to have a variety of just different events and people visiting campus that can kind of give our students an overview of all the different categories that go into their well-being,” said Christy Manning – Wellness Week Coordinator.

While the college has inside resources like the counseling center helping out with Wellness Week, they also have outside help like George Washington Carver Monument park staff, and massage therapists, something first year student Max Duncan says is helpful.

“Having a Wellness Week like this, especially for Freshman like me, it gives them time, even it’s just about two or one hour like me that you can kind of just de-stress,” said Max Duncan – Crowder College Freshman.

“We try to get our community involved because there’s obviously spiritual dimensions, or emotional wellness dimensions include everything. And, so, we want to really connect students to their communities,” said Manning.

And connecting them makes it all worth it.

“I actually see it personally as a good way to de-stress and kind of heal your mental and even emotional health,” said Duncan.

Wellness week will conclude on Thursday.

Although “Wellness Week” is through the college, manning adds anyone in the community is welcome to stop by.

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