“Buckle Up” painted in Sarcoxie

In an effort to help promote teen agers to wear their seat belts, the Jasper County Sheriff’s Office reached out to the Missouri Department of Transportation to obtain a stencil for a “Buckle Up” sign. Today with the help of the Sarcoxie Public Works Department, “Buckle Up” was painted at the Sarcoxie schools parking lots. The “Buckle Up” sign will also be painted at the Jasper High School and the Avilla School.

Mailbox tampering on west side of the county.

Over the past couple of days we had eight different incidents dealing with mailboxes being opened, and some having mail stolen out of them. The incidents have been in an area South of Carl Junction on JJ Hwy, down to Fir, and over West to County Road 303, up to Hunter Road. The area will have increased patrol, but we are seeking the public’s help on this matter. If you see anyone tampering with a mailbox, please get the vehicle information and license plate, and contact dispatc…